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Pisces full Moon – Sickness creates space for presence

This full Moon is striking me full force. And directly from the Virgo Pisces axis too…In the previous post I talked about the T – square pattern at this full Moon.

My toddler became sick for the first time. Just a cold so nothing serious but it sure reminded me of Pisces and Virgo where the full Moon happens. During a full Moon in Pisces it’s a good idea to surrender to circumstances. The Virgo Pisces axis is about sickness and health among other things. Pisces teaches us acceptance and being in the moment while Virgo helps us to get organized- down to business when the sickness strikes. This is how I see it simplified.

I always ask myself what a full Moon wants to teach me. This time I think it is about enjoying the company of my sweet little baby (being in the moment) and surrender to that not everything goes according to a “Virgo plan” (I’m a little bit of a workaholic.)

So to the striking aspect of this full Moon: The focal planet of the strong T- square at this full Moon is falling in my 4th house of home, family, and small children! Yes this is where I obviously will stay during this full Moon…! Haha... Where is Jupiter in Sagittarius for you right now? Is something happening in that house for you at the moment? Schedule your personal horoscope reading with me. You can see what others have said about me under " People say..."

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